Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Americans Not Being Realistic About When Troops Should Come Home

I was astonished to read the new Harris Online Poll results. Contained in the polling data was some very disturbing new trends.

Almost six in 10 (59%) adults now favor bringing most troops home in the next year and 39 percent favor keeping a large number of troops in Iraq until there is a stable government there.

This suggests that Americans want troops home more than they want the job to be finished properly. It get's worse though:

Specifically, almost six in 10 (59%) adults now favor bringing most troops home in the next year and 39 percent favor keeping a large number of troops in Iraq until there is a stable government there.

The good news is that the vast majority of Americans polled in this survey have a realistic view of what Saddam might have done had we not ousted him from power:

- 88 percent of U.S. adults believe that Saddam Hussein would have made weapons of mass destruction if he could have (down slightly from 90% in November).

- 76 percent believe that the Iraqis are better off now than they were under Saddam Hussein (same as November).

- 64 percent believe that history will give the U.S. credit for bringing freedom and democracy to Iraq (up slightly from 63% in November).

- 64 percent believe that Saddam Hussein had strong links to Al Qaeda (up slightly from 62% in November).

- 61 percent believe that Iraq, under Saddam Hussein, was a serious threat to U.S. security (down slightly from 63% in November).

I have noted that in each, the number to the affirmative is down but wonder if that has more to do with the differing samples of the 2 separate polls. In any case, American's beliefs about Saddam seem to run counter to what the MSM was and still is trying to sell us on about the invasion.