Monday, February 21, 2005

The Bloggers Role Forward....

As traditional media (known here as the MSM) continues to lose credibility, Blogs like Powerline and SoCalPundit continue to gain readership and media marketshare. Weblog trailblazers like Hugh Hewitt are becoming media mogals through the blogosphere and talk radio while the MSM can barely prove they have any credibility left to speak of.

In the case of CNN Executive Eason Jordan, as with Rathergate, the bloggers are coming up with the goods before the MSM has even authorized one of it's lemming reporters to do a astory on it.

Newsday reports that the claim that only "conservatives" read and write blogs is crap:

Liberal bloggers played a key role in exposing James D. Guckert, who used the alias Jeff Gannon worked for a conservative news outlet and was given access to White House press briefings where he asked pointedly political questions. The question of who is given press access to the White House was seen as legitimate and given attention by mainstream news organizations.

Bloggers pressed forward and found evidence linking Guckert to online sites suggestive of gay pornography _ a detail that many news organizations would have considered irrelevant.

Left-of-center blogs like The Daily Koz seem as powerful as any of conservative blogs out there so the MSM will have a hard time blaming partisanship on the success of the Blogosphere. It will be interesting for me to both be a part of and document the growth of this powerful new internet media.