Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Terri Schiavo: The Most Important "Right to Life" Case

Terri Schiavo received another stay of execution today just hours after the appeals court ruled that her feeding tube should be removed.

If you are pro-life and have not kept abreast of the developments in the Terri Schiavo case, you should learn what you can as soon as you can. Here is some help:

Most recent Associated Press reporting.

US Supreme Court refuses Schiavo case - WND.com

Dr. Dobson enters Schiavo fray
Says Terri deserves same chance as woman who came out of 20-year coma - WND.com

I will update with more links when I have time.


Lone Ranger said...

There is only one reason her "husband" could have for wanting her dead. He is responsible for her condition. People don't just collapse into a coma. Even if she were a vegetable, if she does not die by turning off her life support, she deserves to live. People go to jail for starving animals. Starving a human is nothing short of evil.