Saturday, March 19, 2005

President Bush Is Strongest When Liberals Complain & Obstruct

Consider this: The vast Republican activism that re-elected the president and increased Republicans hold on the house and the senate was in part a result of frustration with the Democrats on Capital Hill. Conservative Activists made much of the Democrats habit of obstructing Bush's nominations and complaining when they should have been offering solutions of their own.

Democrats continue to filibuster and Activist Judges continue to change the American moral landscape by forcing the Progressive Agenda of Socialism on America. By continuing to make hay over these issues while also casting Democrats as naysayers on solving the Social Security issue, he continues to motivate the base to support him, his ideas and the Republicans in Congress that tow the conservative American agenda.

Peter Brown writes in an Orlando Sentinel Opinion Piece that this ingenious plan will work because Democrats continue to ignore the will of America out as they continue to implement the Progressive Agenda:

Politics is a funny game. A win can turn out to be a loss, or sometimes you can lose by winning.

The betting here is a California judge's decision to legalize gay marriage there will eventually fall into that category.

In the long run, those unhappy with the ruling may come to view it as a catalyst that advanced their overall agenda -- and not just when it comes to same-sex marriage.

Gay-rights proponents may well wonder, as they did after last November's election, whether court victories are worth the political cost.

That's because the decision likely will help President Bush win the upcoming war over judicial confirmations about to engulf Washington, D.C. Such a victory could tilt the national verdict on many issues.
So by simply allowing Democrats to continue their habit of effecting change through the courts rather than the ballot box, Bush is taking advantage of the current political majority in America that simply hates being told what to think and how to act by "installed for life" judges.

UPDATE: It is likely that brain damaged Terri Schiavo will die a painful death because Democrats refuse to join Republicans in Congress to stop the forced starvation of a woman that you can clearly see from TV is not in a "persistent vegetative state". When all is said and done this decision by Democrats will be yet another nail in their coffin.