Saturday, March 19, 2005

The SoCalPundit Connection To The Anti-War Rallies That Went On Today

For whatever reason, the liberals in my town announced the time and location of their anti-war rally in the local newspaper. So SoCalPundit, with an impressive email list of good conservative Americans put out word that we would like to counter their efforts to show that many of us here in Southern California support our troops by supporting the mission they are on.

We were outnumbered by the leftists 4-1 but that did not hold back our spirit or the gratitude we saw in the eyes of the motorists that passed by and thanked us for standing up for their beliefs.

The sign I held up read simply: "Iraq Can Vote" and had a "Viva Bush" bumper sticker at the bottom.

As usual I tried to engage a few of the "Blame America First" protesters to answer some questions I had (such as; What question is war not the answer too?) but was answered with either silence or meaningless platitudes.

Interestingly, it had been raining cats and dogs all day until about half an hour before the protest was to begin and stay chilly but dry for the remainder of the afternoon.


Anonymous said...

Let me start off by saying that I completely respect the fact that we simply have different opinions. I doubt we would ever be friends, but I still respect our difference in views.

So, ok. The one thing I will say comes from something you wrote. "...many of us here in Southern California support our troops by supporting the mission they are on."

Now that just seems wrong. I don't support the war effort the U.S has led. I believe that Saddam Hussein was pretty evil but it took Bush's administration pasting some connection to Osama bin Laden to do anything about it. The timing was a tad off. I believe that the men and women sent there need support from home, but the 2 are not linked. Just because you support the people who are in harm's way does not mean you support the reason they are their.

Oh, and war is not really the answer for much in my opinion. Afghanistan was an example of a war that needed fighting. Well done - I just wish you would have stayed a bit longer instead of somehow shifting the focus to Iraq so quickly. Come on Dubya -admit it - it's an ego thing, it's a finish what your daddy couldn't thing in your mind. I have to say, I'm behind Canada's 'coalition of the unwilling' status :)

Kevin D. Korenthal said...

GottaBeKD, I respect your position. I only wished you chose to be informed rather than simply taking as fact the watered-down almost-truths handed you by the mainstream media.

How is Saddam Hussein tied to 9/11? He is/was a part of an ideology of gaining ones will by terror. The rise and fall of his regime has fed an "international conversation" that has led to the reform of Libya, attempts of freedom by Syrian occupied (yes, the other "occupied" Middle Eastern Nation) Lebanon and a growing force against the Islamofascist Mullahs in Iran.

Furthermore, Saddam was in SEVERE violation of no less than 11 UN resolutions and when asked to come into compliance one last time, he refused. What is the point of having said UN if it is nothing but a debating society. The UN should be grateful (see comments from Kofi Annan on reforms from today) America did what it did. We exposed a corrupt organization that has over the last several decades been responsible for the death of hundreds of thousands of innocent people from Rwanda to Iraq.

War will turn out to be the answer to the question: Peace in the Middle East?