Friday, March 04, 2005

Winning The Hearts & Minds of The Liberal Media

Being an on-again, off-again viewer of Comedy Central's The Daily Show, I can tell you the show's host Jon Stewart is an unabashed liberal. But I have always found him to be at least principally honest about his politics. I can not however say the same for his guest from last Thursday.

On Thursday, Clinton aid, Nancy Soderberg was on the show to promote her book, "The Superpower Myth: The Use and Misuse of American Might." which as far as I can tell w/out reading it, blasts Bush's idea of bringing Democracy to the Middle East as a means to end tyranny and terrorism.

Jon Stewart, much to my shock and awe used the entire interview to undermine the entire premise of the book. According to The Washington Times:

One such moment came when Mrs. Soderberg said, "[A]s a Democrat, you don't want anything nice to happen to the Republicans, and you don't want them to have progress. But as an American, you hope good things would happen." To which Mr. Stewart replied, "Do you think that the people of Lebanon would have had the courage of their conviction, having not seen -- not only the invasion but the election which followed [in Iraq]? It's almost as though that the Iraqi election has emboldened this crazy -- something is going on over there. I'm smelling something."

But Soderberg continued:
"Well, there's still Iran and North Korea, don't forget. There's still hope for the rest of us ... There's always hope that this might not work."

There is a domino effect going on not only in the Middle East but in the studios of America's Liberal Media Outlets as well. Kudos to Jon Stewart for not being afraid to buck the talking points of the liberal media and putting to words his changing heart. Shame on Ms. Soderberg for making light of the incredible Democratic Reforms going on in the world.